Erectile Dysfunction Effects the Majority of Men With Diabetes

Posted June 10, 2021
By Dr. Boris Schwartz In Men's Health

Erectile Dysfunction Effects the Majority of Men With Diabetes

Shockwave Therapy is an Ideal Treatment Option for Men With ED and Diabetes

Erectile Dysfunction or “ED” is a complication of diabetes that can be effectively treated with Shockwave Therapy.

Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction Phoenix AZ

Did you know that according to the experts, more than one-third of men of people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes report some form of sexual dysfunction? In men, diabetes-related male sexual dysfunction almost always translates to erectile issues or ED.

It is not hard to understand why men with diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, suffer from erectile dysfunction. Diabetes in and of itself is a disease that can impair blood flow and feel in the nerves.

Men with diabetes also tend to be overweight, have low testosterone and heart disease. These are all conditions that also can negatively impact a man’s ability to get and maintain an erection.

According to the Mayo Clinic, ED is not the only sexual health issue men with diabetes have to worry about. Men with diabetes can also have male dysfunction problems such as:

  • Lessened (or nonexistent) libido
  • Arousal inability
  • Decreased sensation

However, the most common sexual health complication in men with diabetes is erectile dysfunction. There are several reasons why men with diabetes experience male dysfunction more often than the general public.

Obesity, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and depression are common conditions that occur alongside diabetes. Obesity can indirectly lead to ED. Sleep apnea can cause ED for men or put them at a higher risk for other sexual difficulties. Depression and anxiety – common in men with diabetes – can also negatively impact the libido or your ability to get or maintain an erection.

While ED is a quite common complication of diabetes, most men with diabetes cannot take oral medications such as Viagra, which are often prescribed for men with ED. The class of drugs to which Viagra, Cialis, and the other common ED medications belong – PDE5 inhibitors — are not recommended for men with diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure. That means a large group of the population, such as men with diabetes and ED, cannot turn to these medications for relief.

However, that does not mean that men with erectile dysfunction and diabetes need to just accept the end of a satisfying sex life.

There is a remarkable treatment that has been designed exactly for men with diabetes or anyone that needs or desires a drug-free solution for erectile dysfunction.

It is called Acoustic Wave Therapy, or AWT. In our practice, we have recently introduced a version of AWT for ED called Shockwave therapy. Shockwave therapy uses the only FDA-cleared medical device that has been shown in studies to be effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Shockwave Therapy is ideal for men with diabetes not only because it offers a 100% drug-free treatment for ED, but it also has been designed to treat the main cause of ED in men with diabetes, poor blood circulation.

Acoustic Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Shockwave Therapy Phoenix AZ

Acoustic Wave Therapy is one of the latest drug-free ways doctors have to treat erectile dysfunction.

Acoustic Wave Therapy is one of the only ED treatments that has been specifically designed to attack the root cause of ED: damaged blood vessels in the penis.

Prior to the introduction of AWT for ED, the only way to correct blocked and damaged blood vessels was via a painful and invasive surgical procedure.

However, Shockwave Therapy for ED accomplishes the same thing non-invasively. The high-frequency acoustical waves open up old blood vessels and stimulate the formation of new vessels. The resulting improved blood flow helps any man, and not just those with ED, to obtain stronger and more sustainable erections. This process of “revascularization” could be particularly helpful in men who want to get back to sex after prostate surgery.

Most men who have been treated using acoustic waves therapy see positive results after a 6-12 treatment cycle.  As opposed to other treatments for ED, This Therapy is:

  • Drug-Free
  • Surgery Free
  • Injection Free
  • Completely non-invasive
  • Available for at-home use

Our medical director is Dr. Boris Schwartz. He is a recognized expert in regenerative medicine. Throughout his career, Dr. Schwartz has sought out and provided proven methods that challenge the way conventional medicine looks at aging. He is dedicated to providing the very best in evidence-based regenerative medical protocols and advanced technologies to help patients live longer, healthier, and more satisfying lives.

“I’m 54. I have type II diabetes, and nothing was “working” down there. I also have high blood pressure, so I knew Viagra was off the table. I thought that’s it; I’m done, my studly days are through! Then I heard a commercial for the treatment on the radio. I’ve had two treatments, and all I can say is ‘I’m back in the saddle again!’”– Bruce B., Phoenix, AZ

All of our drug-free ED treatments are safe for men with heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes! Contact us at (602) 788 4333today for more information!